Westleigh Parish Council – Minutes of Remote (Zoom) meeting Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Attendees – Cllrs David Fairbrother, Lyn Gear, Chris Heard, Lesley Burgess, Colin Frajbis, Kevin Farrell-
1. Apologies received in respect of the meeting – DCllr (& MP) Selaine Saxby
2. Declarations of Interest – to receive Declarations of Interests from Councillors of any disclosable, pecuniary, or other Interests in items on the agenda – none received
3. Minutes – to confirm and agree the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd December 2020. Actions agreed to be updated – all updates completed
4. Correspondence and Communications – to include a summary of C&C received from the Chair and Clerk – the Council discussed the Devon Association of Local Councils newsletter advising that as from May 7th, the requirement to hold remote meetings was ending (subject to any further legislation). Because of the uncertainty, the Council decided to put any actions on hold until April’s meeting
5. County and District Ward Members reports – NDCllr (& MP) Saxby (via email) Would Cllrs please encourage all parishioners to sign up to the Broadband Initiative roll out. By doing so, it will bring the likelihood of very high speed broadband to the area over the next 12-
Public Session – as the meeting is not an Open Meeting due to Covid-
6. Finance – to receive an update on the current position, and to agree accounts to pay – the Council balance sheet shows a total of £4860.04 with no outstanding invoices to pay
7. Planning matters – it was noted that the planning application 72475 (Old School House) had been approved
8. Eastleigh Defibrillator – update on phone box painting – this was being held over until Covid restrictions were eased
9. Highway issues – salt bins were being speedily refilled following notification – the Tarka Trail will be closed opposite Mount Pleasant for drainage work 8-
10. Footpath signage – PC tasked to contact Martin Caddy regarding obtaining additional footpath signs to be placed where signs had gone missing, DCCllr Biederman said that the cost could be funded from his locality budget. Cllr Lesley Burgess remarked that the metal gate to the right of Treyhill Farm was extremely hard to open when accessing the footpath. PC to investigate.
11. Environmental issues – to include ‘Life on the Verge’ – the Council agreed that it would enhance the Parish if wild flower ‘bombs’, daffodil bulbs, and wild flower seeds could be obtained and planted/scattered as appropriate. Cllr Lesley Burgess agreed to find out costs and report back
12. Bus shelter – mural update – wooden framework in place, mural will be in place by next meeting
13. Agenda items for the next meeting (Wednesday 3rd March) – agreed to remove footpath signage and mural update from next agenda
14. AOB -
Cllr David Fairbrother -