Balance b/f 2016/17 £4,468.00
April/September 2017
Precept, Parish Grant and Grant Assistance £3,644.43
Total receipts 2017/18 £8,112.43
Payments 2017/18
422 DALC – Subscription 81.13
424 Audit fees 28.00
425 Parish Maintenance 110.00
426 Community First Insurance 311.89
427 Clerks training 30.00
428 Additional insurance cover 12.37
429 Parish Clerk expenses 40.33
430 Parish Maintenance 100.00
431 Parish Clerk salary/payroll costs 334.96
432 Parish Maintenance 100.00
433 Parish Maintenance 100.00
434 Parish Maintenance 70.00
435 Parish Clerk salary/payroll costs 334.96
436 Parish Clerks expenses 53.24
437 Parish Maintenance 70.00
438 Parish Clerks expenses laptop service 129.00
439 PCC Grant Part 1 160.00
440 Grant to Village Hall 266.00
441 Parish Clerk salary/payroll costs 491.49
442 PCC – Grant Part 2 106.00
443 Parish news -
444 Parish Clerk salary/payroll costs 334.96
Balance at 31st March. 2018
Balance at bank at 31st March 2018 £5,042.96
Outstanding cheque 444 from 2017/18 -
Not cashed from 2016/17 carry over 420 T & TEF £20. -
Westleigh Parish Council – Summary of Internal Auditor Report 2017/18
Auditor – M J Scott – CTA
Date: May 2018
1. A nominated Councillor should check the ledgers and bank reconciliations at least every six months.
2. The residue of the Transparency Code grant £491.19 needs to be allocated for a specific purpose. The remaining grant will be used for maintaining and improving the Parish website.
3. In 2017 accounts a payment of £20 was made to the Taw & Torridge Estuary Forum. This was never cashed and after 6 months this amount needs to be written off, resulting in a negative expense for the subscription.
Westleigh Parish Council – Annual Governance Statement -
Section 2 of the annual audit requires Councillors to acknowledge their responsibility for ensuring there is a sound system of internal control in place, to include the preparation of the statement of accounts. The Statement includes actions to meet the requirements of the Transparency code for smaller authorities.
The Annual Governance Statement should be signed by the Chairman and the Clerk.
1 We have approved the statement of accounts which have been approved in accordance with requirements of the Accounts and Audit regulations.
The annual accounts are prepared by the Clerk on the basis of records of expenditure and income. The annual budget is prepared for the December meeting, and influences the level of annual precept. The accounts are scrutinised by an independent external auditors, and approved as part of the annual return.
2 We have maintenance an adequate system of internal control including measures to prevent and detect fraud and corruption.
Financial regulations have been approved and adopted by the Parish Council. The Council have agreed a finance sub group to meet twice a year to reconcile income and expenditure, and report any discrepancies to the Parish Council. A financial summary is provided to members at each Parish meeting.
3 We have taken responsible steps to assure that there are no matters of actual or potential non – compliance with laws, regulations, and codes of practice which could have a significant financial effect on the ability of the council to conduct its business.
4 We have provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of electors rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations, and transparency code for smaller authorities
The Council displays a Notice of Audit on two parish notice board's following the approval of the annual return, which entitles any person interested to inspect and make copies of the Annual Return, books, invoices, receipts etc. The statement of accounts will be made available via the parish website, and will include a breakdown of all expenditure items over £100.
5 We have taken action on all matters raised in the reports from both internal and external audit.
The Council has established a Finance Sub – Group to review the council’s finances with the Clerk. The review will look at bank statements and reconciliation income and expenditure to ensure all internal control systems are in place. The council has established a contingency fund to provide a maintenance budget for the two bus shelters owned by the parish. The council insurance has been reviewed to ensure adequate cover is in place for the phone kiosk library, and kissing gates.
6 We have taken steps to ensure all minutes, agendas, and papers of formal meetings are displayed on the website, and to comply with the new Transparency Code requirements we will publish on the website the following information:
Items of expenditure over £100.
End of year accounts
Annual Governance Statement
List of Councillors
Any details of public land /building assets.
Agendas for all parish council meetings are posted on the parish noticeboards 14 days prior to the meeting date. The agenda is also provided on the council’s website, 14 days prior to the meeting date. Signed draft minutes are posted on parish noticeboards and on the council’s website within three days of the meeting.
7 We will provide an annual publications of councillors or members responsibilities no later than 1 July in the year immediately following the accounting year to which it relates, and will include:
a) names of all councillors or members,
b) committee or board membership and function,
c) representation on external local public bodies(if nominated to represent the authority)
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.
Fixed Asset Register 2017/18
Item Year of purchase ( if known ) Estimated value for insurance
2 Parish Notice Boards 2013 £1,428
2 Bus shelters Not known £15,007
1 No1 BT Red Telephone box Not known £1 (not insured)
Laptop & printer 2015 £597
I kissing gate – footpath 2016 £1,000
Total 2017/18 £18,003
Transparency Code 2022/23 – Westleigh Parish Council
Chairman Councillor David Fairbrother
Other Cllrs` Councillor Lyn Gear
Councillor Lesley Burgess
Councillor Colin Frajbis
Councillor Kevin Farrell-
Finance Cllr’s Fairbrother & Heard
Environment Cllr’s Fairbrother, Burgess, & Gear
Village Hall Vacant, but Parish Clerk to deputise
Tapeley Liaison Cllr Gear
Any Councillor can be contacted through the Parish Clerk (Roger Levick) on 07789 267149, or via Rock Cottage, Lower Village, Westleigh, EX39 4NL
Expenditure over £100
Annual Insurance (£282.5), AC Johns (£110) painting of Eastleigh Phone Box for the defibrillator, St Peter’s PCC (£250) grant for Churchyard, and Parish Magazine (£160) annual grant
The end of year accounts, annual governance statement, and internal audit reports are published separately on the website.